Fundació BIT Gema Terrón Espanya, Palma
Fundació BIT Marcos Rodriguez Hernandez Espanya,
Fundación Universidad Empresa de Murcia Consuelo Garcia Sanchez Espanya, Murcia
IBM Mariangeles Santos Espanya, madrid
KeteaTech/Beesensor Gonzalo Portas Espanya, Palma
- Oferta & Demanda Maritime Fleet Intelligence
La Mochila - Tourisme Durable Laurent VIALLON França, toulouse
- Oferta & Demanda I offer new tourism destination and request partnership and investors
MABRIAN TECHNOLOGIES Carlos Cendra Espanya, Maó
- Oferta Fullcycle travel intelligence based on Big Data analytics
Moop Guillaume Blanc França, Toulouse
Moop Guillaume Blanc França, Toulouse
Moov'in Benjamin Liris França, Toulouse
MUNDIOLOGY Micaela Vanesa Dip Espanya, Mataró
NauticAdvisor Angel Puig Espanya, Palma
- Oferta & Demanda boat management tools / nautical tourism
PADDLE IN SPAIN Judith Perxés Espanya, Sort
- Oferta & Demanda Connecting the world through active travel - Water Sports expert in all Spain
Pescaturismo S.L. Helena Rubi Espanya, Palma de Mallorca
- Oferta & Demanda Cloud health data
ROIBACK Leonardo Llorente Espanya, Palma
Roiback Leonardo Llorente Espanya,
- Oferta & Demanda Hotel Sales & Distribution expertise / Technical Coop & Innovations for Hotels direct channel
Samuel Saenz Samuel Saenz Espanya, Palma
Socyalite Interactive S.L Augusto Martin Tavelli Espanya, Murcia
- Oferta & Demanda App + Web + Big Data
Twisters, tourism & creativity jordi casassayas Espanya, Girona
- Oferta consulting and management services