Fundació BIT Gema Terrón Spain, Palma
Samuel Saenz Samuel Saenz Spain, Palma
Fundació BIT Gema Terrón Spain, Palma
Twisters, tourism & creativity jordi casassayas Spain, Girona
- Offer consulting and management services
- Offer & Request Cloud health data
IBM Mariangeles Santos Spain, madrid
APSL Juan Carlos Gonzalez Avella Spain, Palma de Mallorca
Blue-Channel Nauman Khan France, Juan les Pins
- Offer & Request Interntaional Business Development
Vívelus Ricard Sanz Spain, Girona
- Offer & Request Request: Co-MK and collaboration in some different ways. Offer: Collaboration in sales acitivities.
Roiback Leonardo Llorente Spain,
- Offer & Request Hotel Sales & Distribution expertise / Technical Coop & Innovations for Hotels direct channel
Universitat de les Illes Balears yu chaoyan Spain,
ROIBACK Leonardo Llorente Spain, Palma
Moop Guillaume Blanc France, Toulouse
Moop Guillaume Blanc France, Toulouse
MUNDIOLOGY Micaela Vanesa Dip Spain, Mataró
Barcelona Zero Limits Julian Montero Spain, Palau solita i Plegamans
- Offer & Request Technology applied to the touristic sector
Conveo Solutions Tijana Podgorac Serbia,
Conveo Solutions Ana Antic Serbia,
Pescaturismo S.L. Helena Rubi Spain, Palma de Mallorca
KeteaTech/Beesensor Gonzalo Portas Spain, Palma
- Offer & Request Maritime Fleet Intelligence
Bilateral Talks
- Participants40
- Meetings Requested62
- Meetings Accepted18
Cyprus 1
France 7
Serbia 2
Spain 32
Switzerland 1
- Total of Participants43
Profile views
- Before Event1418
- After Event116267